HSFC Sports and Tourism Building
Location: London
Sector: Education
Client: Havering Sixth Form College
Havering Sixth Form College has a mixed stock of buildings. Some of the post-1991 buildings are in very good condition and provide an excellent environment for education.
The College is very proud of its recently refurbished 1930s Dury Falls School building. However, they are still operating in some Huts, a ROSLA building and a HORSA Hut.
Completed in 2013, the proposal consists of a two-storey extension abutting the south side of the existing sports hall to house the Sports, Travel & Tourism department.
The scheme provides 887 sqm of accommodation that includes a gym, ICT classrooms, storage areas, a staff room, a small group room and flexible classrooms with movable partitions which will help cater for exams.